Friday, May 25, 2012


So, my day has started about 3:45 am today...who can sleep with a million things flowing thorough their mind?  One of which was, I so need to make some playdough to take on our trip.  Crazy, I know but it's probably me just deflecting my worries.  Anyone who truly knows me, knows I worry a lot.  To top it off, I am a super planner and very type A so this all combined makes a bad recipe for sleep.

Seriously though, today we travel to visit my sister who is having a minor (Not major, but still enough to bug the crap out of me) surgery.  It really stinks because she is only 25 and if it were me, I would be scared out of my mind.  Good thing I have a really supportive husband though; he keeps reminding me that it will all be okay!  I haven't told her how nervous this all makes me and that's probably the best (hopefully she'll read this later!!) but it just seems like she always, always, ALWAYS get the short end of the stick.  She is one tough cookie!

So, the title....Playdough, back to that.  I finally decided to get out of my warm bed and throw in a load of towels (it all has to be clean before I leave) and find a recipe to make homemade (important with an 18 month old) playdough to take on the trip.  Isn't it funny, the things you do as a first time mommy?  So I found a recipe and what do you know it calls for cream of tartar, which I am fresh out of.  I am waiting very anxiously to head to the store so I can make it!!!! Can't you tell that I'm excited?!?!  I really hope she enjoys playing with it.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!

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